Prevent Breast Cancer Campaign
An awareness campaign for Prevent Breast Cancer. This was a brief given to us people from the organization. The goal of this brief was to spread the word about breast cancer and how you could reduce the risks of it. Since this came from an established organization, we were also given a document detailing their brand guidelines.
After a lot of research, I came across a book called "The 2 Day Diet" written by Antony Howell and Michelle Harvie who used to be prominent members of this organization. This book outlines ways to help prevent the cause of breast cancer by dieting. This is perfect for what why goals of this brief are so I decided to redesign the book cover as well as create a campaign around it.
Sticking to the brand guidelines, I had to keep the colours magenta and light blue. Using the name of the book, I turned it into a 3D typographic shape in the form of a rocket. This is to show that using the dieting method stated in the book is a quick way to lose weight and in turn lower the risk of breast cancer.